In the last three years, we have significantly expanded our services and spare parts team, which now boasts a highly-skilled and specialized staff of 30 engineers and technicians. Our team responds to your requests for maintenance, training, modernization, revision, revamping of used furnaces and spare parts provision around the world 24/7.
Approximately 95% of a melting furnace's total operating expense is caused by energy use and metal waste. This justifies the establishment of policies to boost energy efficiency as well as ongoing system optimization.
We continuously seek to improve our furnaces due to these issues. This is true for both brand-new furnaces and systems that have previously been deployed in foundries. We also provide training programs to teach the operators the best system configurations and working styles.
How do we provide specialized services?
One of the most important features of aluminum, which is increasing in value and production, is that it can be recycled many times, and this feature adds a special importance to recycling furnaces.
In order to reduce or even prevent unplanned downtimes, we first need to see which problems occur more frequently and which problems cause longer downtimes.
The graph illustrates problems observed in our furnaces categorized by fault types. The data is based on our service reports and fault records collected by the maintenance departments of aluminum plants.
Mechanical issues account for the majority of furnace failures, which include various static and dynamic components, as well as connection and hydraulic problems.
What are the most common issues we encounter in
aluminium cast houses?
Deformed Door Sealings and Dross Plates
Gaskets are burnt over time.
Dross plates change their structure and shape due to the excessive heat they experience.
The problem is not only resolved by securing and carefully cleaning the cealing prior to the door's closure, but it is also settled by fixing the door.

Damaged door plates
If the door is closed without cleaning, this will result in;
(a) Insufficient cleaning after dross skimming
(b) Damaged door plates
In the furnaces where these conditions are experienced, the plates are changed annually. The replacement cost of 1 set of special alloy casting plates containing chromium is 60-80 thousands euros on average.
In the long term, structural damage is observed in the furnace body sheet and repair operations cause higher costs.

Insufficient cleaning after dross skimming
Heating Zone Damages in Billet Heating Furnaces
Furnace ceiling bricks may collapse and damage the heating zone.

Damaged heating zone
Deformation in Aluminium Pads
Aluminium pads in continuous homogenising furnaces damage the billet
The billet's quality decreases as a result and is even scrapped or reprocessed.

Deformed aluminium pads
Insulation and Refractory
In the Aluminum Industry, the refractory material is used as the lining of furnaces, where molten metal is deposited until it undergoes further processing. Refractories have to sustain very high temperatures and protect the container from the corrosive nature of the molten metal and the slag/flux.
High temperature resistant refractory materials are expensive due raw materials and complex processes. Accordingly, a loss of production due to the application taking an average of 40-50 days (including curing) appears.
However, it is possible to extend the lifetime of the refractory with partial repairs made at determined downtimes.

Damaged refractory material
Burning Systems
Burners are considered among the most importent components of furnaces. Additionally, correctly-adjusted regenerative burners provide great advantages in terms of the melting or heating rates and energy consumption.
However, if the burner setting is not properly generated, heating rate and energy consumption will fluctuate unexpectedly, causing the emission values to be negatively affected.

Burner Setting

Regenerative Burners
Gas and Electicity Consumptions with Regars to Furnace Types

In furnaces without periodic controls, abnormal increases in gas values can be observed.
Operation or maintenance teams try to speed up the process by increasing the gas consumption, especially during peak production periods. When the optimum values are exceeded, the gas consumption increases excessively, and the process accelerates.

However, combustion level being above a certain value reaches saturation. In this case, the gas surplus is discharged from the chimney without being burnt.
The unburnt gas - remaining in the furnace- is expelled as black smoke, greatly increasing the emission values.
Leaks are caused by gaskets being broken
Leaks seen in the gas line pose greater risks.
Unburnt Gas Observed in Melting Furnace
Furnace Automation and Control Systems
Automation is often associated with a range of benefits, such as higher production rates and increased productivity, improved material usage efficiency, better product quality, enhanced safety, reduced workweeks for labor, and shorter factory lead times.
Two of the main reasons for justifying automation are the increased output and productivity it enables. Automation also facilitates more precise process control, resulting in less waste and material scrap.
Moreover, worker safety is a crucial consideration in automating industrial operations, as automated systems can reduce the need for workers to be physically present in hazardous factory environments.

Melting Furnace HMI Functions
Phone: +90 262 658 22 26 Extension : 1325
Phone: +90 262 658 22 26 Extension : 1322
+90 262 658 22 26
+359 89 295 6561